On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Robert Dewar <de...@adacore.com> wrote:
> On 4/8/2012 4:23 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>> I think I agree with this.  I suspect the only difference might be that
>> I do not believe the fix is necessarily to turn them off.
> Well there are three possibilities
> a) fix the false positives, at the possible expense of introducing
> new false negatives, but most of these warnings are very far from
> sound anyway (they do not guarantee that code not raising the warning
> is free from the problem involved).
> b) remove from -Wstandard
> c) leave in -Wstandard and live with the false positives
> I am saying I prefer these alternatives in the order given above.
> I suspect you agree with this ordering?


> I use -Wstandard here just as a label for whatever gets turned
> on by default if a change is made. Whether the new switch with
> this name is introduced is an orthogonal issue.
>>>  (certainly not an attitude that is
>>> taken with -Wall, if I am wrong, I have hundreds of bugs to
>>> report :-)) Yes, occasionally you get a case that you end up
>>> considering SO obscure that you violate this rule, but it is
>>> rare.
>> -Wall, despite the name, does not turn on all warnings.
> Yes, I know, what's that got to do with the comment above

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