On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, Joern Rennecke wrote:
>>>> But readers will focus on the word "Issue" here and think that there is
>>>> something missing.  Perhaps there should be a footnote explaining that
>>>> glibc/eglibc has the needed support, but that other libraries might not.
>>> I agree. It should say something as "Library Dependent", and report
>>> glibc status.
> It still makes sense to clarify the language to indicate that, depending on
> the library used, this might be, in fact, a library non-issue.
> [...]
> I agree that trying to track every library there would be a maintenance
> burden, but giving one example of a library that works is meaningful.
> And, since GCC is still a GNU project, mentioning the status of GNU libc
> doesn't seem that arbitrary.

Can you propose a change along these lines?  I think it does make
sense, both to be more clear on what may be a (non-)issue and to
refer to GNU libc as a reference implementation where that makes


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