On 07/21/2011 06:44 PM, Joe Buck wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 07:30:16AM -0700, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
>> On Thu, 21 Jul 2011, Diogo Sousa wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I checked the "library functions in <inttypes.h>" item in c99status
>>> (marked as "Library Issue") [http://gcc.gnu.org/c99status.html], and it
>>> seems that glibc implements everything the standard demands.
>>> Am I missing something or is this outdated? If so, where can I find more
>>> information about it?
>> "Library Issue" simply means it's not GCC's resposibility; it says nothing 
>> about the state in any particular library that may be used with GCC.
> But readers will focus on the word "Issue" here and think that there is
> something missing.  Perhaps there should be a footnote explaining that
> glibc/eglibc has the needed support, but that other libraries might not.

I agree. It should say something as "Library Dependent", and report
glibc status.

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