On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:30 PM, Jeff Law <l...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 04/04/11 19:14, Bernd Schmidt wrote:
>> Another danger is getting a mob effect as in PR48403 (which I've also
>> seen happen on other occasions) and getting the wrong set of patches
>> reverted by trigger-happy people. To be blunt, there are some people on
>> this list who tend to react panicky to bugs and skip proper analysis (as
>> in this case); I don't want to encourage such folks to revert stuff
>> willy-nilly. Sometimes you just need a bit of time and assistance from
>> testers who actually see the problem to understand it.
>> If there's a change in policy I'd at least make allowances for weekends.
>> There's considerably less traffic on the mailing lists on Saturdays and
>> Sundays, which suggests few people will be inconvenienced if the tree is
>> broken during such a time. We also don't want everyone to only check
>> things in on Mondays because they worry they'll come back after a
>> weekend to find their stuff gone from the tree.
> I definitely think that if there is a policy change that an allowance be
> made for weekends/holidays and that if a patch has been identified and
> the offender has acknowledged the issue and is actively working on the
> problem give the offender time to resolve the issue.

If a developer breaks bootstrap and cannot fix it immediately, the
patch should be reverted and the developer can fix the patch offline
and re-merge the patch.  The focus of the policy should not be the
convenience of the developer who broke bootstrap on multiple targets.

- David

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