On Sep 10, 2010, at 11:06 AM, Richard Kenner wrote:
> The fact that the licenses are COMPATIBLE doesn't make them IDENTICAL.
> FSF wants "GPLv3 or later" and it's not at all clear to me that we could
> change the license of code that's not copyright assigned to FSF to that
> license (we can for code that HAS been assigned).

Ah, but the GPL v2 grants us that right.  I'm not worried about that, but, it 
is irrelevant, as the FSF does not want to distribute that way, as they do want 
to be the sole owner (which means assignment).  If in doubt and it mattered, we 
could ask the FSF lawyers, I think that would be non-issue.

Where it would matter, is if the FSF was willing to distribute code they don't 
own exclusively in gcc/objc.

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