
* Richard Kenner wrote on Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 01:18:10PM CEST:
> > That means, we at our option can choose to release under GPL v3,
> > exclusively, if we wanted. 
> I disagree, as I said.
> My interpretation of that sentence is that "when you redistribute
> this, you must give the person you redistribute it to the right to
> further redistribute it under EITHER GPLv2 OR GPLv3".  Giving somebody
> the right to only redistribute under GPLv3 does NOT satisfy that
> requirement.
Please ask the FSF legal dept. to clarify the situation once and for
all, they should be able to provide you with a binding (as for GCC)
answer within a short time frame.  This topic has come up on this list
before, without obvious agreement from all parties afterwards, and is
mostly off-topic here.

Thank you,

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