On 18 July 2010 23:15, Rick C. Hodgin <foxmuldrs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> If you run Linux, you can download VMware, and install a version of
> Windows XP or later)

I don't have a licence to do that.

> and download Visual Studio Express from Microsoft
> for free.  You can experiment with it and see how useful it is.  It's
> pretty darned amazing actually.  Once you use it, you'll always miss it.
> Simple little mistakes like:
> for (i=0; i<some_var; ++i)
> which should've been:
> for (i=0; i<(some_var-1); ++i)
> can be changed on the fly.  Those simple, tiny little mistakes that are
> prevalent, save so much time by going "OH MAN!" smacking your forehead,
> changing it quickly, and pressing the key combo to apply changes.
> It all takes 3 seconds, and you're continuing at the point in your
> program where you were.

Maybe we work on different kinds of program, but if I find the bug I'm
looking for I don't usually stay in the debugger.  The usefulness of
this feature isn't really relevant on this list though, if it's useful
to others then it doesn't matter much if I want to use it.

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