On 18 July 2010 16:25, Rick Hodgin wrote: > Ian, > > The idea is to create a program database of the compiled program on a full > compile. Then when asked to re-compile with the edit-and-continue switch, it > only looks for changed code and compiles those few lines. Everything else it > needs to carry out compilation is there from previous full-compile as was > originally parsed, or from subsequent edit-and-continue compiles which > updated the database. > > The resulting changes are passed to gdb for insertion into the running > program's memory in real-time.
That might be harder to do for optimised code, where there isn't necessarily a direct correspondence between individual source lines and executable code. IIUC Visual Studio will only debug unoptimised code, gcc doesn't have the same distinction between "debug build" and "release build" - you can debug optimised code. It would also need more integration between gcc and gdb than currently exists.