On 18/07/2010 16:28, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Rick Hodgin wrote:
>> Ian,
>> The idea is to create a program database of the compiled program on a
>> full compile. Then when asked to re-compile with the
>> edit-and-continue switch, it only looks for changed code and compiles
>> those few lines. Everything else it needs to carry out compilation is
>> there from previous full-compile as was originally parsed, or from
>> subsequent edit-and-continue compiles which updated the database.
> Unlikely to be feasible in my view without slowing down compilation
> substantially.

  I think you're probably assuming too much.  Tom T. is working on an
incremental compiler, isn't he?  I expect that that and LTO between them would
/ could give us all the tools we needed to make an EAC-friendly compiler.

  But yes, OP, it's a long-term project.


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