On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 08:24:35AM +0200, Duncan Sands wrote:
> Hi Steven,
>> FWIW, this sounds great and all... but I haven't actually seen any
>> comparisons of GCC vs. LLVM with DragonEgg. A search with Google
>> doesn't give me any results.
>> Can you point out some postings where people actually made a
>> comparison between GCC and LLVM with DragonEgg?
> I gave some comparisons in my talk at the 2009 LLVM developers meeting.
> See the links at the bottom of http://dragonegg.llvm.org/
> Since then I've been working on completeness and correctness, and didn't
> do any additional benchmarking yet.  I don't know if anyone else did any
> benchmarking.  If so they didn't inform me.

   It would be interesting to know what the Sqlite3 -O3/-O2 benchmarks
show for llvm 2.7. I benchmarked about a 14% improvement in the
Polyhedron 2005 benchmarks over a 13 month period of llvm development.
Perhaps the current numbers look a bit better.

> Ciao,
> Duncan.

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