On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 06:02:38PM +0200, Duncan Sands wrote:
>> useful and effective, then work on it as well and give it credit; if
>> GCC is so bad, then why rely on it?  The rhetoric is disconnected from
>> the actions.
> I'm not sure what you mean.  Working on an LLVM middle-end/back-end for
> gcc doesn't mean I despise the gcc middle-end and back-ends, it just means
> that I think this is an interesting project with the potential to result
> in a better gcc in the long term.
> Ciao,
> Duncan.

  I would also add that some of this seems like deja vu from the
egcs days. Granted it is extremely unlikely, but who is to say that
at some future date, if the license conflicts subside, that FSF gcc
might decide that llvm wasn't so bad for the middle/back-ends. Wouldn't
having the front-end running entirely via the plugin be a huge help
in that case.

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