On 4/18/08, Christopher Faylor
> After consultation with Dan, I have set things up on gcc.gnu.org so that
> the git repository is updated every time an email message is received
> from the gcc-cvs mailing list.
> We'll be monitoring the system to see if there is a load hit.  If so,
> we'll probably drop back to Dan's original method.

FWIW, I did a quick calculation of the current month of commits, and
there is an average of 31 per day, throwing out a crazy outlier of

Incorporating the 121 brings the average to 36 (next highest past 121
is 53, all other values are below 38.

Data set for April:
33 16 39 46 35 36 53 15 21 25 31 38 121 26 21 27 39 32 41

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