> > I think the mistake is to have them (git & hg) hosted on > > the same machine as svn. Having them on "hg.gcc.gnu.org" > > and "git.gcc.gnu.org" would allow to split the load between > > machines (even if "hg.gcc.gnu.org" and "git.gcc.gnu.org" > > are the same machines originally). > > This would be a great idea, if only we had more machines :) > Sadly, machines and dns names are tricky for political reasons > around gcc. > > Maybe they could be hosted on Savannah? The CVS repo. used to > be synced there.
Used to, and then one day they just stopped doing it without telling anyone, and questions went unanswered. Sorry, that never happend AFAIK. I used the GCC CVS repo there, was never out of sync for me. So uh, thanks but no thanks :) Same thing can happen here; nothing extraordinary with that...