Ok I was wrong. Maybe you could contact John Elliott
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), because I 'm not an English native speaker
and I don't understand all the juridic terms. I also think that the
goodness of the question often makes the goodness of the answer.

Best regards,

Francois Poulain

Le dimanche 09 avril 2006 à 21:49 -0500, Aaron W. LaFramboise a écrit :
> François Poulain wrote:
> > If I'm right, here are copyright assignments to FSF for the Microchip's
> > contributions for GCC.
> Unfortunately, this is not good enough.  A copyright assignment is a 
> formal contract that must be physically signed and sent to the FSF.  See 
> <http://gcc.gnu.org/contribute.html#legal> for details.
> Since as far as I can tell John Elliot has not attempted to include his 
> changes in the official FSF GCC, it is very that he has a copyright 
> assignment.  Any work based on work by him would require an assignment 
> from him also--and most likely his employer, Microchip.
> There is an official list somewhere of who has copyright assignments on 
> file.  Alternately, whatever work he has done were thought to be 
> valuable, someone could just email him and ask. :)

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