Again, the GCC3 distribution has a port of the IP2K microcontroller.

It has a hardware call stack, but the data stack is implemented entirely in software.

You will have to dedicate a register to act as the data-stack pointer. I suppose if you limit yourself to writing functions with NO stack-local data you might be able to keep the SP as a virtual register and make sure that code generation never tries to actually use it. You will also be severely limited in the ability to pass parameters if you only allow register parameters with no parameter saving.

At this point, why bother writing a C compiler....

On Apr 10, 2006, at 03:54, Colm O' Flaherty wrote:

Does anyone have any ideas about what gcc support is like for targets with no data stack? The 14 bit cores (16F) mostly have a 2-8 level hardware stack, which is not part of the program or data memory, and is not addressable. There is no data stack.

I'm hoping that there is an existing backend architecture where there is no stack, so that I can have a peep to see how the code fakes stack support, but so far, all the obvious candidates (the microcontrollers) seem to have a stack.

Ideas, anyone?


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