
> >at the beginning of the stage 1, there always is lot of major changes
> >queued up.  It never lead to unmanageable amount of "breakage and
> >disruption".
> Other people have a different perception than you do.
> >As for constructive suggestions -- why not just forget on whole plan
> >and let the things work out the way they always did?  As you say,
> >there is no perfect solution, so why to complicate people's lives with
> >trying to get one?
> I can't say I found it incredibly thrilling to try to work out the 
> project ordering, and I certainly have plenty of other work to do.  If 
> there's consensus that this was a bad idea, I'm happy not to do it 
> again.  However, one person has already said that they found it valuable.
> I think it's a little early to start the post-mortem.  Perhaps in Stage 
> 3, we could have a better discussion about how well this worked out. 
> Or, perhaps it will become obvious before then, one way or the other.

agreed.  Anyway, thank you for all the work you spend on trying to
make the whole thing work; while I have my objections against the idea,
it may turn out that most of the people work in a different way
and will actually prefer it (I admit to enjoy a controlled amount of
chaos :-)


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