On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 03:56:26PM -0800, Mark Mitchell wrote:
Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 02:57:05PM -0800, Mark Mitchell wrote:
Nathanael said it did not interfere with any of the other _projects_, not that it would be disjoint from all Stage 1 _patches_.
Fair point.
I would certainly prefer that you hold off until Stage 2, as indicated by the documented I posted.
Could you explain what benefits from waiting? None of the other large,
The primary benefit is just reduced risk, as you suggest.
The Stage 1 schedule looks full to me, and I'd like to see those patches go in soon so that we can start shaking out the inevitable problems. I'm much less worried about the long-term impact of Nathanael's patch; if it breaks something, it will get fixed, and then that will be that. But, that brief breakage might make things difficult for people putting in things during Stage 1, or compound the problem of having an unstable mainline.
I think that's not a useful criteria for scheduling decisions.
Let me be more concrete. Paolo Bonzini posted a patch to move in-srcdir builds to a host subdirectory. This is a substantial build infrastructure change, even though it will not affect a substantial number of developers - assuming it works correctly. I consider it no different "in kind" from Nathanael's changes. He can approve that; so a system where he can't approve his own tested patch is one in which you are overriding his judgement. ISTR that that is exactly what you did not want to do with this scheduling exercise.
No offense intended to Paolo, of course! I picked a recent example. We're less than a week into stage 1, so I don't have much in the way of samples to draw on.
No offense perceived, of course. FWIW I fully agree with you, and my next queued patch is something to clean up the SET_LIB_PATH mess in the toplevel, and it does have a potential of breaking bootstrap (I'll post it as a call-for-testing, because it affects only ia64 in practice and I don't have one of them). I just came across this, so I did not post it as a project to Mark.