On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> I understand your point about OpenCL being an open standard, potentially
> with implementations for different GPUs, unlike CUDA.

A clarification first: There is much talk about OpenCL here, and I can
understand "open standard" and alike qualifications have sort of
attractiveness to audience here. However, at the moment tool-chains
are equally closed for both OpenCL and CUDA, and I wouldn't expect
this to change anytime soon (I don't believe that efforts like Clover
could change this).  On the other side, CUDA tools are much more
mature and usable, so I see no sane reason in any sort of favoring
OpenCL here.

> However, my point is that there is currently no free software tool to
> program NVIDIA’s GPUs.  My understanding is that the GCC C.F. seeks to
> help free software developers, and to promote free software.  Inviting
> people to use proprietary software wouldn’t correspond to this goal.

I was actually the person that first proposed adding some GPUs back
then in January, when Laurent first mentioned that some sort of
donation may be available for hardware upgrades (it's even better that
NVIDIA is now offering donation of their own).  In a further comment
on the tracker, though, I mentioned that exactly this sort of concern
may arise - as said above, GPGPU development is closed source game at
the moment, and it will stay this way for while.  So we're facing a
dilemma here indeed.  One way to proceed would be to say NVIDIA that
they stink, and refuse their offer (there is no point in accepting the
offer in the hope that free software stack may mature along the way -
hardware get obsoleted very quickly in this game, and even in a year
or so, one could expect the next generation of much more powerful
hardware to appear).  Or the fact could be accepted that these devices
are really useful in helping people to solve some very important
problems; some open-source projects already recognized that, see a
list here: http://gpgpu.org/tag/open-source.  I'm obviously for later
option, but at the end it's on compile farm admins to make the call.


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