I'm not sure what you mean. The subfields are an ROI-based analysis. Are
you saying you want to do a voxel-based analysis (without reference to
On 1/9/2024 12:05 PM, Mirsol Choi wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi there Freesurfer,
I am currently using freesurfer to take DTI metrics (FA, MD) from
hippocampal subfields.
At this point of my exploration with freesurfer, I am able to
correctly register the hippocampal subfields and diffusion data, and
obtain my FA values from the subfields. However, this is at the
individual subject level.
I will eventually need to register all of my samples in the same space
for me to do a group analysis. However I am unsure what the order of
registration should be for this process to be feasible.
Does this order seem feasible for accurate analysis?
1) recon-all all of my subjects
2) dt_recon all of my subjects (one of the outputs is a registration
file, which has registered the DTI data to outputs of recon-all)
3) run the hippocampus segmentation command on all subjects
(segmentHA_T1.sh) to obtain hippocampal subfield segmentation
4) register the segmentation file to the FA maps (output of dt_recon)
using vol2subfield command
5) After creating a subfield-FA map for each subject, spatial
normalize the samples onto the same space using *mri_vol2vol*
Thank you so much for taking the time reading my question. If there is
a different method to spatially normalizing my datasets, or if there
is a more optimal order of registration, I'd be happy to hear from you.
Thank you,
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