External Email - Use Caution
Dear freesurfer experts,
I have installed the develpment version of FreeSurfer on WSL with UNbuntu
20.04, when I try to run WMH-SynthSeg with mri_WMHsynthseg --i WMHsynthsegTset/
--o WMHsynthsegTset/ but the proceess seemed killed and nothing produced in the
output directory. Would you recommend what I should change? Thank you so much!
Following is the ouput in the commomand line window.
Arguments seem correct; loading Python packages...
Using cpu
Using 1 thread(s)
Preparing model and loading weights
Working on image 1 of 1: WMHsynthsegTset/T1_1.nii
Loading input volume and normalizing to [0,1]
Upscaling to target resolution
Pushing data through the CNN
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