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Dear Freesurfer Expert,

We would like to extract mean Cth values for each subject within a own-creaded 
ROI (surface defined), using freeview (for instance). Is it possible to create 
a ROI (i.e. spherical surface) surrounding a particular vertex of an sig.mgh 
file? (and then extract its mean Cth values for each subject)?

I think this is not a new question, and it was posted somehow on 
 but I'm still encountering questions.

These commands did run, but together they didn't create a binarized mask with 1 
for the sphere around the coordinates, and 0 for the other voxels. Would you 
recommend what I should change? Thank you so much!

$mri_volsynth --template $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/lh.thickness --pdf sphere 
--sphere-center -7.4 67.22 60.27 --radius 5 --o delta.sm00.mgh
$mris_fwhm \
--smooth-only \
--subject fsaverage \
--hemi lh \
--i delta.sm00.mgh \
--niters 10 \
--o delta.sm10.mgh
$mri_binarize --i delta.sm10.mgh --min 10e-5 --o delta.sm10.bin.mgh


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