External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Doug,

The objective is to have _regional_ laterality index for thickness for
aparc mapped to the left hemisphere. The following commands work without
error but are they correct for meeting my objective? Thanks.

surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot

surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot --xhemi

mri_convert $subject/surf/lh.thickness $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh

mri_convert $subject/surf/rh.thickness $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh

mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh --trg
$subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg
$subject/surf/lh.fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg fsaverage_sym/surf/lh.sphere.reg

mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh --trg
$subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg

fscalc $subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh pctdiff0
$subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh div 200 -o

mri_segstats --annot fsaverage lh aparc --i
$subject/surf/li.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --sum

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