External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Doug,

Thanks. A regional Laterality Index can be calculated using XHEMI (as
described on the wiki) but also in a different way, e.g. using the default
FS output from ?h*.stats files and e.g. doing (LH-RH)/((LH+RH)/2) or some
other formula. You once mentioned about this latter approach "But the atlas
was not created in a symmetrical way, so there might be biases". Could you
elaborate on what these biases might be?
I read 
 and it
mentions biases when doing registration of a hemisphere to either LH or RH
but I am not sure if these are the same biases.

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 12:02 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>

> Yes, they are. BTW, you should not need to mri_convert the thickness to
> mgh format
> On 11/27/2023 10:01 AM, Joost Janssen wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Doug,
> The objective is to have _regional_ laterality index for thickness for
> aparc mapped to the left hemisphere. The following commands work without
> error but are they correct for meeting my objective? Thanks.
> surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot
> surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot --xhemi
> mri_convert $subject/surf/lh.thickness $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh
> mri_convert $subject/surf/rh.thickness $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh
> mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh --trg
> $subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg
> $subject/surf/lh.fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg fsaverage_sym/surf/lh.sphere.reg
> mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh --trg
> $subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg 
> $subject/xhemi/surf/lh.fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg
> fsaverage_sym/surf/lh.sphere.reg
> fscalc $subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh pctdiff0
> $subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh div 200 -o
> $subject/surf/li.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh
> mri_segstats --annot fsaverage lh aparc --i
> $subject/surf/li.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --sum
> $subject/stats/li.thickness.aparc.stats
> -joost
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