When creating a laterality-free atlas one needs to make sure to do the same thing to the left and right hemi. Eg, the mni152 is not laterally symmetric, so you will get a different registration when you register your volume directly to the mni152 vs left-right reversing your volume and then registering (and why people will register to a symmetric mni152 when doing such studies). These biases can creep in in other ways. Eg, when manually labeling the brain, the labeler might do the left slightly different than the right, and this might creep into the atlas (though this can be reduced by including left-right reversed labels in the atlas). Our standard labels (eg, aparc) are susceptible to these problems. Any clearer?

On 3/6/2024 10:52 AM, Joost Janssen wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Doug,

Thanks. A regional Laterality Index can be calculated using XHEMI (as described on the wiki) but also in a different way, e.g. using the default FS output from ?h*.stats files and e.g. doing (LH-RH)/((LH+RH)/2) or some other formula. You once mentioned about this latter approach "But the atlas was not created in a symmetrical way, so there might be biases". Could you elaborate on what these biases might be? I read *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3767398/ <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1TELdMKGVJpKa4ZNA0JT1c2M5j92hscTUXojMSwfCRgHWMi4h330-7qb3M2OGXIYrgOSZICxTxnpti-05ncWdhR6JaJbIx73FVjtEzOdBqK1bpmrufIS7sOC5rf9sTVNVfUF_2k02iDbUNyl8qoOsQMWS5KZS1t7h7JfI_o3K8yrj9LhxQ2EB54r2L_4CsVC3HXfzZQIQW58QvmALvYxzjqKSlL7ZlrmqwXDwD2yTC98P_wzNSIBNXBRqjKkZWOhCZR0piY0tJiFCGuAw6DMfILX-TiwrTwsyjwWmBqI1d_rxSHX5j2-2gRTFnUWbv9ua4qItxp5KwGEhL5PxfcxxZg/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC3767398%2F> and it mentions biases when doing registration of a hemisphere to either LH or RH but I am not sure if these are the same biases.

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 12:02 AM Douglas N. Greve <dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

    Yes, they are. BTW, you should not need to mri_convert the
    thickness to mgh format

    On 11/27/2023 10:01 AM, Joost Janssen wrote:

            External Email - Use Caution

    Dear Doug,

    The objective is to have _regional_ laterality index for
    thickness for aparc mapped to the left hemisphere. The following
    commands work without error but are they correct for meeting my
    objective? Thanks.

    surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot

    surfreg --s $subject --t fsaverage_sym --lh --no-annot --xhemi

    mri_convert $subject/surf/lh.thickness $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh

    mri_convert $subject/surf/rh.thickness $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh

    mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/lh.thickness.mgh --trg
    $subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg

    mris_apply_reg --src $subject/surf/rh.thickness.mgh --trg
    $subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --streg

    fscalc $subject/surf/lh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh pctdiff0
    $subject/surf/rh.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh div 200 -o

    mri_segstats --annot fsaverage lh aparc --i
    $subject/surf/li.thickness.lh.fsaverage_sym.mgh --sum


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