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I am trying to calculate the cortical thickness of a volumetric ROI that I
created that I have in subject space for every subject in my dataset. I was
as a guide.

Since, I already have the volumes in subject space. I did a modified
pipeline and only did the following for each subject:
1. mri_vol2surf --mov /path/to/ROI5.nii --regheader --projfrac-max 0 1 0.1
--interp nearest --hemi lh --out lh.ROI5.mgh
2. mri_segstats --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/subjid/surf/lh.ROI5.mgh --in
lh.thickness --sum segstats-ROI5.txt

Does this make sense? Also, separately, is the volume that is also computed
in this method accurate? I noticed that the volume is always equal to the
number of voxels, which I assume a voxel is equal to 1mm^3? However, when
looking at aseg.stats these volumes have different values from their number
of voxels.

Thank you,

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