For A-TP1-vs-B-TP1, you just create a contrast (not a variable in the FSGD). The design matrix from your FSGD will have 6+4=10 regressors. The contrast for A-TP1-vs-B-TP1 would then be
1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
This computes the difference between Class A-TP1 and B-TP1

On 7/13/2021 11:07 AM, Ritobrato Datta wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Good morning Doug,

I am trying to create a contrast matrix (also attached as a text file) for the following conditions -

I have two treatment arms A and B
For treatment arm A, I have subjects 1, 2, 3 imaged at TP1, TP2, TP3
For treatment arm B, I have subjects 4, 5, 6 imaged at TP1, TP2, TP3.

I have used the repeated measures ANOVA tutorial to set up some of the contrasts as follows -

GroupDescriptorFile 1   
Title A-Vs-B-Long       
Class A-TP1     
Class B-TP1     
Class A-TP2     
Class B-TP2     
Class A-TP3     
Class B-TP3     
Variables A-TP1-vs-A-TP2 A-TP1-vs-A-TP3 B-TP1-vs-B-TP2 B-TP1-vs-B-TP3 A-TP1-vs-B-TP1 A-TP2-vs-B-TP2 A-TP3-vs-B-TP3
Input sub1-TP1 A-TP1    1       1       0       0                       
Input sub2-TP1 A-TP1    1       1       0       0                       
Input sub3-TP1 A-TP1    1       1       0       0                       
Input sub4-TP1 B-TP1    0       0       1       1                       
Input sub5-TP1 B-TP1    0       0       1       1                       
Input sub6-TP1 B-TP1    0       0       1       1                       
Input sub1-TP2 A-TP2    -1      0       0       0                       
Input sub2-TP2 A-TP2    -1      0       0       0                       
Input sub3-TP2 A-TP2    -1      0       0       0                       
Input sub4-TP2 B-TP2    0       0       -1      0                       
Input sub5-TP2 B-TP2    0       0       -1      0                       
Input sub6-TP2 B-TP2    0       0       -1      0                       
Input sub1-TP3 A-TP3    0       -1      0       0                       
Input sub2-TP3 A-TP3    0       -1      0       0                       
Input sub3-TP3 A-TP3    0       -1      0       0                       
Input sub4-TP3 B-TP3    0       0       0       -1                      
Input sub5-TP3 B-TP3    0       0       0       -1                      
Input sub6-TP3 B-TP3    0       0       0       -1                      

Question 1 - My question is how do I setup the contrasts for the different treatment arms -

A-TP1-vs-B-TP1  A-TP2-vs-B-TP2  A-TP3-vs-B-TP3

Question 2 - Also I have age and cognitive scores for each timepoint. How do I add those to the contrast file ?

Thank you for the help,



On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 10:51 AM Douglas N. Greve < <>> wrote:

    Yes, it will work on both. If you use a table, then pass the table
    with --table tablefile instead of --y

    On 7/12/2021 7:54 AM, Ritobrato Datta wrote:

            External Email - Use Caution

    Good morning,

    Thanks Doug for the answers. Quick naive question. The analyses I
    want to perform are on volumetric data parcellated using aseg and
    not surface data.

    Does mri_glmfit work with the output of the asegstats2table or on
    voxelwise FA maps ?

    Many thanks


    On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 4:04 PM Douglas N. Greve
    < <>> wrote:

        On 7/9/2021 11:44 AM, Ritobrato Datta wrote:

                External Email - Use Caution

        Hi All,

        I have the following data –

        I have 205 subjects - each subject was imaged at 3
        timepoints (baseline, followup 1 and followup 2)

        The 205 subjects are split in two treatment arms with 100
        subjects in the first one and 105 subjects in the second one.

        For each timepoint, I have created FA maps in their native
        diffusion space.

        I have also extracted the mean FA maps for 187 ROIs using

        For each timepoint, I have saved the results as a matrix (FA
        in 187 ROIs x 205 subjects) in a text file.

        So I have three files for the three timepoints.

        I have the age and cognitive score for each subject at each
        timepoint. And their gender.

        I want to answer the following questions –

         1. Do the baseline FA correlate with the corresponding
            cognitive score at baseline ?

        This is a straight forward group analysis, so see
        *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
        "" claiming to be*
        the Two Groups (1 Factor, Two Levels), One Covariate

         1. I am interested in testing whether the FA changed
            significantly across the different timepoints and does
            that relate to the change in the cognitive score

        See *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
        "" claiming to be*

         1. Is there an effect of treatment on this change in FA
            across time ?

        Also see *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt
        from "" claiming to be*

        Can you please suggest what programs in freesurfer will
        allow me to test these questions on both voxelwise and ROI
        wise ?

        Many thanks for your help and guidance,



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