It is giving you values for two segmentations: inside the label and
outside the label. Use --id 1 to get only values inside the cortex label
On 9/9/2020 11:27 AM, vittal korann wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer experts
I am working on the gyrification index of schizophrenia patients. I
had collated global brain values such as thickness, GM, and WM volumes.
In addition, I wanted to tabulate gyrification values. Using
the below link I was able to extract the hemispheric mean gyrification
But it is giving me 2 rows of output that are adding more ambiguity to
the existing problem.
Below is the command which I used to get mean gyrification for the
left hemisphere and also the corresponding output.
*Command Line: *
mri_segstats --slabel CSRI104 lh
/usr/local/freesurfer//subjects/CSRI104/label/lh.cortex --i
/usr/local/freesurfer//subjects/CSRI104/surf/lh.pial_lgi --sum
*Output: *
# NRows 2
# NTableCols 10
# ColHeaders Index SegId NVertices Area_mm2 StructName Mean
StdDev Min Max Range
1 0 6879 4687.8 Seg0000 2.4509 0.2838
1.8067 2.8873 1.0806
2 1 128054 84259.7 Seg0001 3.0148 0.6366
1.9369 4.7611 2.8242
My confusion is that which row I should take it as a mean gyrification
value for the left hemisphere (seg0000 or seg0001)?
Please guide me if there is a way to combine two hemispheric values
and make it as mean gyrification alike mean thickness.
With regards
On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 4:51 PM vittal korann <
<>> wrote:
FreeSurfer experts
I am trying to extract the mean gyrification values for the whole
brain alike cortical thickness.
We have all the whole-brain parameters in 'aparc.stats' file. But
we do not have one for the gyrification index. Is there a way to
do it?
Would be grateful for your help.
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