Are you using v7? If so, look in subject/stats/brainvol.stats
On 8/22/2020 5:39 PM, Harkey, Thomas Jarrott wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I am a student learning free surfer. I was able to obtain intracranial
volume by running
recon-all –i file.dcm –subject bert –autorecon1
and then
mri_segstats --subject bert --etiv-only
How can I obtain the BrainSegNotVent volume? I have tried
mri_segstats --subject bert --brain-vol-from-seg
however, “ERROR: must specify a segmentation volume”
Can this be calculated using the data from autorecon1, or do I need to
run -all? Which segmentation do I need to specify?
My contact information is below,
Thank you!
*Thomas Harkey **
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences***
*College of Medicine, Class of 2022
* <>*
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