Hi Monica
sure, if you tar and gzip the entire subject dir and ftp it to us, then
send us a description that includes the voxel coords of where you think
things should be more accurate we will take a look
On Fri, 31 Jan 2020,
Monica Bondy wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I was wondering if I could get some help with a problem that I keep
experiencing. For some of the patients, their gray matter is not properly
included in the pial surface. I have tried tkmregister and using control
points but neither have been successful.
I have read on a separate thread that editing the wm.mgz may be helpful but
could I have some guidance on this please? Also, I know it can be difficult
to tell the problem based on the description so please let me know if I can
send something over to help. I'm still very much learning how to work
freesurfer so I really appreciate your help.
(Note: I am using version 5.3)
Thank you,
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