External Email - Use Caution Hello FreeSurfer Team,
I am trying to compute the local Gyrification index on my subjects with recon-all -s <subj> -localGI. Running this under FS 6.0 runs without errors, with FS 5.3. I get: mesh_outer = struct with fields: vertices: [68598x3 double] faces: [137192x3 double] facesOfVertex: [68598x1 struct] preparing pial mesh structure ... ...searching for mesh edges...done (82.56 sec). ... creating path file for vertex 1 / 68598 area file for outer ROIs saved at 1 {Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements. Error in dsearchn (line 84) [d(i),t(i)] = min(sum((x-yi).^2,2)); Error in mesh_vertex_nearest (line 29) nearestIndex = dsearchn(vertices,points); Error in reorganize_verticeslist (line 28) [nextindex,nextvalue]=mesh_vertex_nearest(mesh_total.vertices(remaininglist,:),mesh_total.vertices(verticeslist(start_vertex),:)); Error in make_roi_paths (line 93) reorglist = reorganize_verticeslist (mesh_total, A, mesh_outer, perim, verticeslist, step); } >> ERROR: make_roi_paths did not complete successfully! Now I wonder why the computation works in version 6 but not in 5.3. My subjects are originally reconstructed with version 5.3., does the computation for local Gyrification Index differ between both versions or can I just run the command in FS6? Cheers Philipp The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683. Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.
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