External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer team,
I am experiencing an error when trying to run a subject from a different group but with the same number. I would much appreciate your helping here. Regards, Rosalia rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/MS_STUDY/subjects_controls/001C/mri $ recon-all -sd ~/Desktop/MS_STUDY/subjects_controls -s 001C -i /home/rosalia/D esktop/MS_STUDY/subjects_controls/001C/mri/001.nii.gz -autorecon1 ERROR: You are trying to re-run an existing subject with (possibly) new input data (-i). If this is truly new input data, you should delete the subject folder and re-run, or specify a different subject name. If you are just continuing an analysis of an existing subject, then omit all -i flags. rosalia@rosalia-Lenovo-Y520-15IKBN ~/Desktop/MS_STUDY/subjects_controls/001C/mri $
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