It depends on exactly what you mean. Transforming it into MNI space is fine if you keep it on the surface. If you try to sample it to a voxel mesh you will lose effective resolution. I believe we distribute lh.aparc.annot and rh.aparc.annot files for the fsaverage subject (in the label dir). These are annotation overlays on the surface, which is already in MNI space.


On Wed, 10 Oct 2018, ece ulug wrote:

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      Dear All,
      I am a master student in Turkey. For my thesis; I have to do exactly this;

Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach space) in the MNI space, as a file
(Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that transforming from one space to the other is 
not a very good
idea but nevertheless I would like to test some computations.

Anyone can attach/send a link/know of if exists such a file? the aparc+aseg.mgz 
in fsaverage
is in mni305 space. will that work?

This is a mail dated 2014, freesurfer maillist, and I find this via internet.

Desikan Atlas 'aparc+aseg.mgz' or .nii format where should I look for these file? And what is your opinion, is it good idea? (To transform Desikan atlas to mni space for visualization VBM results?)
Thanks in advance

E. Ece Uluğ

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