
I have registered a patient’s MRI over the ColinN27 with mri_cvs_register and 
now i need convert an electrode (or voxel) coordinate from the subject’s space 
to the N27 space. I found an old post in the mailing list, but it did not work 
for me. The coords.txt file is just one line containing 10 10 10.  What am i 
doing wrong?


Here are the commands i used and the results :

> createMorph --out fullCSVmorph.tm3d --template 
> /Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TT_N27/mri/orig.mgz --subject 
> /Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TS076CD/mri/orig.mgz --in gcam 
> /Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TS076CD/TS076CD/csv/combined_toColin27_elreg_aseg.m3z

 atlas geometry = 256 , 256 , 256
 image geometry = 256 , 256 , 256
 vox 2 ras atlas =
-1.000   0.000   0.000   127.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000  -111.000;
 0.000  -1.000   0.000   147.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
 ras 2 vox image =
-1.000   0.000   0.000   128.000;
-0.000  -0.000  -1.000   138.000;
-0.000   1.000  -0.000   143.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
 product =
 1.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
 0.000   1.000   0.000  -9.000;
 0.000   0.000   1.000   32.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;

 transform at origin
 invalid voxel count = 9071323
 saveTransform code
 writing transform size = 49918625
 writing morph to file fullCSVmorph.tm3d

> applyMorph --template 
> /Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TT_N27/mri/orig.mgz --transform 
> fullCVSmorph.tm3d point_list coords.txt transformed_coords.txt linear

Template name:/Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TT_N27/mri/orig.mgz
After loading template
Template name:/Volumes/Sector2/surfaces/TandonLang/TT_N27/mri/orig.mgz
After loading template
 extension = tm3d
 Exception caught while loading transform
VolumeMorph load - failed to open input stream

Thank you,

Cristian Donos, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Neurosurgery
6431 Fannin Street | Suite G.550D | Houston, Texas 77030
Phone: 979-633-9208
Email:  cristian.do...@uth.tmc.edu<mailto:cristian.do...@uth.tmc.edu>

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