Dear FreeSurfer team,

I'm doing a structural analysis with 50 MS patients and 50 healthy controls 
(T1, T2 and FLAIR). The MS patients have multiple lesions mainly in white 
matter. My co-worker did manual editing (bullet points) in the FLAIR images, 
and i would like to use these edits when running recon-all in order to avoid 
further manual editing.

The data i'm working with is already resliced to 1 mm and co-registered in 

1) Can i use this data or would it be preferable to use the original T1's?

My thought was to run the following command:

recon-all -subject subjectname -i /path/to/input_volume -FLAIR 
/path/to/FLAIR_volume_with_edits -FLAIRpial -all

2) Does this look correct? Is there anything i should be aware of? -> update: 
Does this command only improve the pial surface? How can i also improve the 
white mater segmentation (white) using FLAIR corrections?

3) Does it make a difference running recon-all -all with the FLAIR image - 
compared to running recon-all -autorecon3 with the FLAIR after running 
recon-all -all with only the T1?

4) I've also thought about using the lesion segmentation toolbox for SPM and 
completely avoid manual editing - is this preferable to using the FLAIR with 
manual editing?

5) How is the general strength of analysing corpus callosum structurally in MS 
patients using FreeSurfer?

Best, Silas
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