Neither of these are easily fixable in FSFAST. You can remove the extra 
time points for the first problem. For the 2nd one, I guess you can do 
two analyses, one at each frequency, then ignore the one with the wrong 

On 08/02/2016 05:55 PM, Xiaomin Yue wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a retinotopy analysis using fsfast 5.3.  The design has 
> 15 TR blank before and after wedge presented for 30 TR with 7 repeats, 
> and ring presented  for 24 TR with 7 repeats.  Here is my analysis:
> mkanalysis -s vz -a rtoy.self.rh -fsd bold -fwhm 2 -nskip 15 -TR 1.5 
> -retinotopy 48 -paradigm rtopy.par.
> The data doesn't look right.  I assume that the analysis does require 
> the stimuli presentation as a full circle, which means that the last 
> 15 TR blank was accounted as the stimuli presentation time. If I am 
> correct,  is there simple way to take care of it in mkanalysis-sess? 
> Second, the ring and wedge were presented in different frequency. It 
> seems that the anslysis-sess does not take this into account in the 
> current configration. Is there a way to specify this?
> Thanks very much for the help.
> Xiaomin
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