You should not use the sig as that is the first level significance. If 
you pass that to the higher level, then the results will be hard to 
interpret. I think you'll want to use pcc or ces. Otherwise looks ok.

On 05/06/2016 12:03 PM, Martin Juneja wrote:
> Dear FS experts,
> I just finished calculating functional connectivity maps using 
> FreeSurfer. I just want to confirm if the following steps I used are 
> correct:
> (1). I defined configured seed regions parameters using fcseed-config 
> command, say R01.config and R02.config and created seeds using 
> fcseed-sess command to generate R01.dat and R02.dat files.
> (2). Created nuisance vaiables: wm.config and vcsf.config files using 
> fcseed-config and -sess: this step is independent of seeds and is done 
> only once independent of seeds
> (3). For mkanalysis-sess command for each seed using R0*.dat file, I 
> used '-notask' argument because I am performing resting-state analysis.
> (4). For subject level analysis, I used selxavg3 for each seed
> (5). For 2nd level analysis: isxconcat-sess -all-contrasts -map sig.nii.gz
> I can process all these steps without any error. If these steps are 
> correct, can some one please confirm again that for RSFC, I am 
> correctly using -notask in step (3) and -all-contrast in step (5). 
> Also, in the instructions, it's mentioned to use -map pcc if 
> interested in calculating partial correlation coefficient, but I am 
> interested in using sig to get group level significant maps, would 
> that be OK to use in this command as -map sig?
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> MJ
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