Hi Diane,

for -tp you need to pass the id of the processed time points from the first step. So if you have two time points and called the subject ids subPRE and subPOST then

recon-all -base subTemplate -tp subPRE -tp subPost -sd <subjects_dir>

Both the subPRE and the subPost need to be in the same subjects_dir, in your case it looks like they are in separate directories with the same name as the subject id. Either copy that into a single directory or create a new one and use symbolic links (ln -s souce target).

Then re-run the base command. Your subjects directory should look like this:


the -base command will add:

and after the longitudinal commands:
with the final results.

Cheers, Martin

On 07/22/2015 06:53 PM, nswa66 wrote:

I am running longitudinal processing with Freesurfer according to the instructions on freesurfer website here:

So in step2, I ran
recon-all -base template -tp subPRE/subPRE/mri/norm.mgz -tp subPOST/subPOST/mri/norm.mgz -sd /home/study/sub

then the screen output says "recon-all -s template finished without error"

[note, after this, a folder called "Template" was created in my subject directory "/home/study/sub", but actually I do not see any MRI data in there, the total size of this folder is only 336.8KB]

then I ran Step 3 as written in the instruction:

recon-all -long subPRE template -all -sd /home/study/sub

and it gave me an error: "file /home/study/sub/template/base-tps does not exist!"

which is true since I indeed cannot find this file, but what was the problem in this process? and what shall I do to solve this problem? Thanks a lot!!!


Freesurfer mailing list

Dr. Martin Reuter

Assistant Professor of Radiology
Assistant Professor of Neurology
  Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Neuroscience
  Dept. of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
  Dept. of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Research Affiliate
  Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab,
  Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A.A.Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 Thirteenth Street, Suite 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: +1-617-724-5652
Web  : http://reuter.mit.edu

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