Hi Bruce,

How can I remove the non-cortical parcels from the annotation file created by mris_make_face_parcellation, such that I obtain an annotation file with approx. the same number of parcels as ?h.aparc.annot.


On 04/01/2014 02:05 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Karen

sorry, I don't think so. You could certainly discard parcels that have a substantial non-cortical component to them, but parcellating the remainder of the surface uniformly isn't trivial.

On Tue, 1 Apr 2014, Karen Marie Sandø Ambrosen wrote:

Hi Freesurfer experts,

I first parcellated the ?h.aparc.annot using the
mris_divide_parcellation and at first glance it seems fine. However, I
experienced that the size of the regions varies a lot. I then found the
mris_make_face_parcellation, that parcellate the surface in regions of
more equal sizes. Unfortunately the mris_make_face_parcallation uses the
whole surface including the medial wall. Is there any way I can get rid
of the labels covering the medial wall and obtain a parcellation with
the same number of vertices as ?h.apac.annot, but with regions of equal

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