Hi Emily, what version of FS are you using?

On 07/02/2013 11:41 AM, Emily Boeke wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Sorry to be overly persistent, but I just wanted to make sure you saw this 
> email!
> Thanks,
> Emily
> On Jul 1, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Emily Boeke wrote:
>> This was the command I ran:
>> mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx --sim mc-z 10000 2 
>> HvL.SBQ.2.10000.pos  --stim-sign pos
>> On Jun 28, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>> Hi Emily, what is your mri_glmfit-sim command line?
>>> doug
>>> On 06/28/2013 02:40 PM, Emily Boeke wrote:
>>>> Any thoughts on why this file turned out this way?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Emily
>>>> On Jun 26, 2013, at 8:09 AM, Emily Boeke wrote:
>>>>> Sure, here it is:
>>>>> # Cluster Growing Summary (mri_volcluster)
>>>>> # $Id: mri_volcluster.c,v 2009/01/16 02:26:36 greve Exp $
>>>>> # cwd 
>>>>> /autofs/cluster/maury/users/gcoombs/College_Risk/ObjectLooming/allSBQ_061213/st4-obj_ns-4runs/face_v_car
>>>>> # cmdline mri_volcluster --in tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/sig.mgh --csd 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//csd/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.j001-group.csd --mask 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//mask.mgh --cwsig 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.sig.cluster.mgh --vwsig 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.sig.voxel.mgh --sum 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.sig.cluster.summary --ocn 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.sig.ocn.mgh --csdpdf 
>>>>> tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/HvL.SBQ.2.pos.pdf.dat
>>>>> # sysname  Linux
>>>>> # hostname compute-0-114
>>>>> # machine  x86_64
>>>>> # user     eboeke01
>>>>> # Input Volume:      tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//group/sig.mgh
>>>>> # Frame Number:      0
>>>>> # Minimum Threshold: 2
>>>>> # Maximum Threshold: inifinity
>>>>> # Threshold Sign:    pos
>>>>> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
>>>>> # Size Threshold:    0 mm^3
>>>>> # Size Threshold:    0 voxels
>>>>> # Voxel Size:        8 mm^3
>>>>> # Registration:      None : Tal Coords invalid
>>>>> # Mask Vol:          tal.sm.wls.pct.rfx//mask.mgh
>>>>> # Mask Thresh:       0.500000
>>>>> # Mask Sign:         abs
>>>>> # Mask Invert:       0
>>>>> # AllowDiag:         0
>>>>> # NClusters          192
>>>>> # CSD thresh  2.000000
>>>>> # CSD nreps    10000
>>>>> # CSD simtype  mc-z
>>>>> # CSD contrast group
>>>>> # CSD confint  90.000000
>>>>> #
>>>>> # Reporting Coordinates in Voxel Indices
>>>>> # Cluster   Size(n)   Size(mm^3)       VoxX   VoxY    VoxZ              
>>>>> Max#    CWP    CWPLow    CWPHi
>>>>>   1         597       4776.0      30.00   50.00   65.00           5.94673 
>>>>>  0.02490  0.02290  0.02690
>>>>>   2         730       5840.0      27.00   28.00   86.00           5.56628 
>>>>>  0.00720  0.00610  0.00830
>>>>>   3        1124       8992.0       5.00   18.00   38.00           5.01850 
>>>>>  0.00010  0.00000  0.00020
>>>>>   4         259       2072.0      59.00   20.00   78.00           5.01465 
>>>>>  0.68360  0.67760  0.68960
>>>>>   5         279       2232.0      18.00   22.00   73.00           3.94952 
>>>>>  0.58840  0.58210  0.59470
>>>>>   6         194       1552.0      35.00   66.00   76.00           3.94297 
>>>>>  0.93630  0.93320  0.93940
>>>>>   7         664       5312.0      32.00   15.00   60.00           3.68551 
>>>>>  0.01400  0.01250  0.01550
>>>>>   8         293       2344.0      28.00    5.00   58.00           3.66686 
>>>>>  0.52560  0.51920  0.53200
>>>>>   9          49        392.0      12.00   52.00   58.00           3.63351 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 10         150       1200.0       5.00    4.00   28.00           3.62637  
>>>>> 0.99560  0.99470  0.99640
>>>>> 11         298       2384.0      12.00   47.00   86.00           3.58250  
>>>>> 0.50260  0.49620  0.50900
>>>>> 12         343       2744.0      13.00   39.00   60.00           3.57829  
>>>>> 0.33900  0.33290  0.34510
>>>>> 13         467       3736.0      21.00   42.00   49.00           3.53307  
>>>>> 0.09590  0.09210  0.09970
>>>>> 14         276       2208.0      49.00   36.00   56.00           3.51549  
>>>>> 0.60280  0.59650  0.60910
>>>>> 15         134       1072.0      70.00   17.00   34.00           3.38623  
>>>>> 0.99890  0.99850  0.99930
>>>>> 16          75        600.0       5.00   25.00   55.00           3.09334  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 17          74        592.0      13.00   10.00   49.00           3.03017  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 18          45        360.0      65.00   39.00   62.00           3.00205  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 19          15        120.0      72.00    7.00   42.00           2.96283  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 20          55        440.0      62.00    9.00   23.00           2.93121  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 21          79        632.0      46.00   60.00   87.00           2.92199  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 22          35        280.0       2.00   41.00   48.00           2.84065  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 23          44        352.0       6.00   35.00   27.00           2.80109  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 24          14        112.0      50.00    3.00   54.00           2.75399  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 25          71        568.0       0.00   22.00    9.00           2.75160  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 26           5         40.0      28.00    0.00   36.00           2.72535  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 27         130       1040.0      40.00    1.00   45.00           2.71826  
>>>>> 0.99920  0.99880  0.99950
>>>>> 28          81        648.0      33.00   61.00   86.00           2.70040  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 29          73        584.0      67.00   26.00   52.00           2.68744  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 30          16        128.0      64.00   48.00   72.00           2.67636  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 31          28        224.0      75.00   35.00   88.00           2.65193  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 32          11         88.0      15.00   21.00   82.00           2.61771  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 33           5         40.0      45.00    0.00   27.00           2.61424  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 34          16        128.0       9.00   13.00   70.00           2.58842  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 35          23        184.0      15.00   27.00   48.00           2.57410  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 36          28        224.0      15.00   31.00   44.00           2.57219  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 37          23        184.0      29.00   56.00   78.00           2.55890  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 38           7         56.0       0.00   42.00   92.00           2.55525  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 39          49        392.0      52.00   40.00   88.00           2.54894  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 40          42        336.0       7.00   31.00   63.00           2.52160  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 41          37        296.0      22.00   43.00   81.00           2.50557  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 42          21        168.0      22.00   58.00   72.00           2.49912  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 43          32        256.0      59.00   45.00   91.00           2.44918  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 44          12         96.0      31.00   29.00   36.00           2.42939  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 45          50        400.0      14.00   34.00   26.00           2.42102  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 46          22        176.0       6.00   15.00   55.00           2.41349  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 47          12         96.0       9.00   43.00   42.00           2.40593  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 48          27        216.0      64.00   17.00   31.00           2.38351  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 49          16        128.0      25.00   49.00   81.00           2.37500  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 50          37        296.0      12.00   18.00   54.00           2.36836  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 51          22        176.0      43.00   50.00   63.00           2.35072  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 52          39        312.0      31.00   39.00   46.00           2.31633  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 53           7         56.0      75.00   60.00   84.00           2.28945  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 54           6         48.0      33.00   25.00   67.00           2.28154  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 55          10         80.0      49.00   40.00   33.00           2.27301  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 56          13        104.0      26.00   65.00   88.00           2.27017  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 57           6         48.0      13.00   25.00   26.00           2.26583  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 58          15        120.0      54.00    9.00   20.00           2.25868  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 59          16        128.0      63.00   14.00   19.00           2.21490  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 60           4         32.0       9.00   25.00   61.00           2.21056  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 61          37        296.0      25.00   37.00   62.00           2.21055  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 62          10         80.0      59.00   51.00   51.00           2.20982  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 63          20        160.0      66.00   41.00   51.00           2.19863  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 64           2         16.0      53.00   66.00   72.00           2.18410  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 65           9         72.0      37.00   38.00   66.00           2.17739  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 66           6         48.0       6.00   44.00   62.00           2.17461  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 67          39        312.0      50.00   35.00   70.00           2.16322  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 68          11         88.0      52.00    6.00   21.00           2.16002  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 69           6         48.0      26.00    0.00   43.00           2.15030  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 70           8         64.0      41.00   16.00   19.00           2.14875  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 71           4         32.0      51.00    8.00   39.00           2.14592  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 72           3         24.0      47.00    9.00   21.00           2.14285  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 73           8         64.0      67.00   19.00   27.00           2.14034  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 74          12         96.0       3.00   59.00   86.00           2.13879  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 75           3         24.0      15.00    6.00   19.00           2.13024  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 76           9         72.0      59.00   41.00   41.00           2.12204  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 77          18        144.0      35.00   48.00   55.00           2.10334  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 78           6         48.0      40.00   57.00   92.00           2.08841  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 79           7         56.0      43.00    1.00   17.00           2.07371  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 80           6         48.0      41.00   55.00   69.00           2.07007  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 81          14        112.0      23.00   35.00   88.00           2.06307  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 82          11         88.0      40.00   73.00   82.00           2.05213  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 83           5         40.0      39.00   19.00   51.00           2.04809  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 84          10         80.0      38.00   24.00   69.00           2.04252  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 85           9         72.0      30.00   32.00   67.00           2.04237  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 86           7         56.0      54.00   58.00   72.00           2.03645  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 87          10         80.0      30.00   13.00   22.00           2.03577  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 88           8         64.0       0.00   25.00   72.00           2.03193  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 89           5         40.0       7.00   23.00    6.00           2.02805  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 90           4         32.0      59.00   28.00   21.00           2.02245  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 91          11         88.0      43.00   18.00   63.00           2.01764  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 92           5         40.0      14.00   41.00   87.00           2.01255  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 93           3         24.0      28.00   50.00   55.00           2.01226  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 94           6         48.0      35.00    0.00   43.00           1.99869  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 95           1          8.0      59.00   57.00   79.00           1.99505  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 96           1          8.0      25.00    2.00   51.00           1.99394  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 97           4         32.0      55.00    4.00   36.00           1.98505  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 98           2         16.0      66.00   21.00    6.00           1.97461  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 99           3         24.0      31.00   51.00   90.00           1.97154  
>>>>> 1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 100           3         24.0      12.00   11.00   23.00           1.95664 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 101           5         40.0      38.00   43.00   50.00           1.95222 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 102           2         16.0      28.00   22.00    7.00           1.95066 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 103           4         32.0      20.00   17.00   69.00           1.94669 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 104           5         40.0       1.00    8.00   46.00           1.94587 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 105           4         32.0      42.00   15.00   49.00           1.94354 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 106           4         32.0       4.00   41.00   54.00           1.93906 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 107           3         24.0      15.00    9.00   33.00           1.93848 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 108           6         48.0      61.00   28.00   72.00           1.92516 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 109           1          8.0      49.00   26.00   88.00           1.92457 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 110           3         24.0      65.00   37.00   41.00           1.92365 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 111           3         24.0      69.00   29.00   25.00           1.91576 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 112           2         16.0      70.00   15.00    9.00           1.89931 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 113           2         16.0      65.00   24.00   70.00           1.89719 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 114           1          8.0      41.00   24.00   36.00           1.89653 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 115           7         56.0      71.00   32.00   91.00           1.89529 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 116           6         48.0      24.00   38.00   69.00           1.88993 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 117           4         32.0       6.00   22.00   34.00           1.88833 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 118           3         24.0      41.00   45.00   51.00           1.87881 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 119           2         16.0      18.00   58.00   91.00           1.87841 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 120           3         24.0      44.00   10.00   17.00           1.87792 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 121           4         32.0       7.00   38.00   71.00           1.87444 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 122           2         16.0      39.00   12.00   65.00           1.87242 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 123           7         56.0      25.00   35.00   38.00           1.87054 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 124           3         24.0      14.00   28.00   25.00           1.86776 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 125           4         32.0      64.00   23.00   76.00           1.86629 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 126           7         56.0      58.00   44.00   43.00           1.86598 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 127           1          8.0      40.00   44.00   63.00           1.86487 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 128           1          8.0      19.00    8.00   55.00           1.84677 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 129           1          8.0      59.00   58.00   80.00           1.84162 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 130           1          8.0      16.00   40.00   92.00           1.83828 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 131           2         16.0      21.00   42.00   63.00           1.83258 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 132           6         48.0       2.00   19.00   69.00           1.82733 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 133           1          8.0      25.00   45.00   73.00           1.81604 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 134           1          8.0       6.00   10.00   48.00           1.81496 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 135           2         16.0       9.00    7.00   43.00           1.80712 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 136           1          8.0      36.00    2.00   53.00           1.80667 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 137           1          8.0      19.00   43.00   60.00           1.80358 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 138           1          8.0      24.00    0.00   25.00           1.80337 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 139           2         16.0      25.00    5.00   42.00           1.79990 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 140           4         32.0      69.00   18.00   40.00           1.79854 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 141           1          8.0      62.00   48.00   85.00           1.79309 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 142           4         32.0      61.00   43.00   84.00           1.78916 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 143           1          8.0      13.00   13.00   34.00           1.78877 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 144           1          8.0      34.00   28.00   78.00           1.78826 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 145           3         24.0      69.00   32.00   83.00           1.78152 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 146           1          8.0      14.00   11.00   33.00           1.78004 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 147           1          8.0      70.00   19.00   25.00           1.77961 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 148           1          8.0      24.00    1.00   50.00           1.77625 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 149           1          8.0       3.00   35.00   84.00           1.77073 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 150           1          8.0      22.00   43.00   64.00           1.77048 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 151           1          8.0      25.00   63.00   83.00           1.76957 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 152           1          8.0      52.00   57.00   72.00           1.76913 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 153           1          8.0       6.00   24.00   31.00           1.76905 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 154           1          8.0       7.00   37.00   72.00           1.76885 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 155           2         16.0      75.00   24.00   12.00           1.76788 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 156           1          8.0      64.00   38.00   42.00           1.76533 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 157           1          8.0      54.00   32.00   84.00           1.76446 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 158           1          8.0      23.00   38.00   88.00           1.76098 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 159           1          8.0       6.00   40.00   33.00           1.75765 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 160           1          8.0      22.00   25.00    9.00           1.75009 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 161           2         16.0      67.00    3.00   52.00           1.74760 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 162           2         16.0      28.00   67.00   70.00           1.74531 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 163           1          8.0       4.00   33.00   30.00           1.74303 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 164           1          8.0      69.00   20.00   74.00           1.74160 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 165           1          8.0      18.00   21.00   55.00           1.74153 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 166           2         16.0      31.00   25.00   80.00           1.73939 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 167           2         16.0      22.00   40.00   63.00           1.73425 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 168           2         16.0      68.00   21.00   74.00           1.72982 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 169           2         16.0       7.00   18.00   27.00           1.72964 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 170           1          8.0      11.00   29.00   60.00           1.72963 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 171           1          8.0      25.00   65.00   86.00           1.72933 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 172           1          8.0      40.00   10.00   56.00           1.72897 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 173           2         16.0      40.00   56.00   61.00           1.72244 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 174           1          8.0      17.00   67.00   74.00           1.72103 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 175           1          8.0      42.00   67.00   70.00           1.71913 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 176           1          8.0      25.00   64.00   85.00           1.71646 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 177           1          8.0       9.00   38.00   73.00           1.71532 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 178           1          8.0       4.00   34.00   31.00           1.71458 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 179           1          8.0       3.00   22.00    7.00           1.71416 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 180           1          8.0      31.00   50.00   89.00           1.71002 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 181           1          8.0      51.00    7.00   19.00           1.70870 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 182           1          8.0      43.00    1.00   48.00           1.70621 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 183           1          8.0      22.00   36.00   41.00           1.70538 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 184           1          8.0       1.00   22.00   71.00           1.70431 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 185           1          8.0      65.00   20.00    5.00           1.70426 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 186           1          8.0      70.00   10.00   43.00           1.70299 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 187           1          8.0      11.00   17.00   62.00           1.70210 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 188           1          8.0       1.00   21.00   70.00           1.70207 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 189           1          8.0      35.00   26.00   63.00           1.70166 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 190           1          8.0      11.00   37.00   66.00           1.70059 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 191           1          8.0      22.00   37.00   70.00           1.70035 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> 192           1          8.0      25.00   14.00   22.00           1.69897 
>>>>>  1.00000  -0.00010  1.00000
>>>>> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 12:22:23 -0400
>>>>> From: Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Monte Carlo simulation: Talairach
>>>>> coordinates
>>>>> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>> <mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>>>> Message-ID: <51c9c3bf.7000...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>>> <mailto:51c9c3bf.7000...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>>>> can you send the file?
>>>>> On 06/25/2013 10:08 AM, Emily Boeke wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I'm running Monte Carlo simulations on functional data, and the
>>>>>> coordinate information outputted in the cluster.summary file isn't
>>>>>> making sense. Usually the coordinates for the clusters listed are
>>>>>> Talairach coordinates, but in the .summary files I'm getting, the
>>>>>> coordinates are labeled "VoxX VoxY VoxZ" instead of "TalX TalY TalZ"
>>>>>> and the numbers are clearly not Talairach coordinates. Above the
>>>>>> table, it says "Reporting Coordinates in Voxel Indices." I also
>>>>>> noted that in the descriptive information above the table, it says
>>>>>> "Registration: None: Tal Coords invalid."
>>>>>> However, the .nii files I'm seeing look like I would expect them too.
>>>>>> I'm using the same command line I've run before, so I have no idea
>>>>>> why the .summary file looks different. Does anyone know why this
>>>>>> would be?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Emily
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>>> -- 
>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
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>> Freesurfer mailing list
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
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