Hi everyone,

I recently switched the phase encoding direction of the functional sequence 
I've been using from F >> H to  R >> L  and ran into a problem with 
epidewarp.fsl (in version 4).  The unwarping was still happening along the F >> 
H axis in the new images where phase encoding was R >> L. 

(Note: I'm working with NHPs in sphinx position, but I'll describe my problem 
in standard coordinates to keep everything somewhat simpler)

Because thought that epidewarp.fsl might be having a difficult time determining 
the phase encoding direction, I swapped the position of the F >> H and R >> L 
dimensions in my nifti file (going from LIP to IRP) and the dewarping now seems 
to work.

Is there something going wrong in the unpacking such that the phase encoding 
information is lost?  Also, is the phase encoding information stored anywhere 
in the nifti, so that I can automatically detect and correct cases like this?

Thanks for the help,
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