Thanks Bruce and Doug!
I can't find the lh.BA.annot in fsaverage/label folder (version 5.1):

                lh.BA6.label                    lh.aparc.a2005s.annot           
rh.BA44.label                   rh.PALS_B12_OrbitoFrontal.annot
                        lh.MT.label                     lh.aparc.a2009s.annot   
        rh.BA45.label                   rh.PALS_B12_Visuotopic.annot
lh.BA1.label                    lh.Medial_wall.label            lh.aparc.annot  
                rh.BA4a.label                   rh.V1.label
lh.BA2.label                    lh.PALS_B12.labels.gii          lh.aparc.label  
                rh.BA4p.label                   rh.V2.label
lh.BA3a.label                   lh.PALS_B12_Brodmann.annot      lh.cortex.label 
                rh.BA6.label                    rh.aparc.a2005s.annot
lh.BA3b.label                   lh.PALS_B12_Lobes.annot         
lh.entorhinal.label             rh.MT.label                     
lh.BA44.label                   lh.PALS_B12_OrbitoFrontal.annot rh.BA1.label    
                rh.Medial_wall.label            rh.aparc.annot
lh.BA45.label                   lh.PALS_B12_Visuotopic.annot    rh.BA2.label    
                rh.PALS_B12.labels.gii          rh.aparc.label
lh.BA4a.label                   lh.V1.label                     rh.BA3a.label   
                rh.PALS_B12_Brodmann.annot      rh.cortex.label
lh.BA4p.label                   lh.V2.label                     rh.BA3b.label   
                rh.PALS_B12_Lobes.annot         rh.entorhinal.label

So, how can I be sure that the label I got from converting a volume ROI to a 
surface label with mri_vol2surf is accurate? Is there a way other than visually 
checking (in pial surface instead of in inflated in order to compare to a SPM 
surface render) that it is in the same location?

many thanks again for your help,

On 2012-08-06, at 20:00, Douglas N Greve <> wrote:

> Gari, can you check whether you have ?h.BA.annot in your subject/labels 
> folder? this is an annotation of all the BA labels. They are 
> non-overlapping; overlaps are resolved by the one with the most 
> probability. I can't remember whether this made it into 5.1 or not.
> doug
> On 08/06/2012 01:18 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Gari
>> they overlap as the labels represent every location that could possibly
>> be in either label. Unless we could predict them perfectly they have to
>> overlap, since they share a border. With 5.2 we will include different
>> default thresholds, but at the moment you have to do it yourself. You could
>> do a max probability in matlab, or load them in tksurfer and threshold them
>> manually to remove overlap.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 6 Aug 2012, Garikoitz Lerma Usabiaga wrote:
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> thanks for your answer.
>>> I am mapping a volume ROI (BA45) from SPM in MNI 152 space to fsaverage 
>>> (the result is the red ROI).  The problem is that:
>>> - when I load the BA45.label from FS in order to compare, they are not 
>>> quite similar. My main problem is to know if the differences are acceptable 
>>> or not and what method should I use to check the validity.
>>> - Secondary problem: when I load both the lh.BA45.label and lh.BA44.label, 
>>> they overlap. I didn't create those labels, they are the ones that come in 
>>> fsaverage/label. I don't understand how can they overlap (in the 
>>> lh.aparc.annot or lh.aparc.a2009s.annot those areas don't overlap at all).
>>> Thanks again for your help,
>>> Gari
>>> On 2012-08-06, at 15:27, Bruce Fischl<>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Gari
>>>> sorry, I'm a bit confused. Are you using the individual subject estimates 
>>>> of 44 and 45 generated by FreeSurfer, or mapping them from MNI space? In 
>>>> either case you can get overlap unless you pick the most probably label at 
>>>> each point.
>>>> cheers
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Mon, 6 Aug 2012, Garikoitz Lerma Usabiaga wrote:
>>>>> Hi freesurfers experts,
>>>>> this is (please check attached image) the best I got when trying to map a 
>>>>> volume ROI (BA45 in MarsBar = MNI_Frontal_Inf_Tri_L_roi) to freesurfer 
>>>>> using mri_vol2surf.
>>>>> I used /freesurfer/average/mni152.register.dat instead of spmregister 
>>>>> since the ROI was already in mni152 2mm, the registration was perfect 
>>>>> -checked with tkregister2.
>>>>> - I obtained the red area of the image, which is outside of the 
>>>>> ROI45.label. Considering that the source was not exactly the same, could 
>>>>> I consider it acceptable for cortical thickness analysis?
>>>>> - Why are the 44 and 45 overlapping?
>>>>> Thank you very much and sorry for the multiple questions,
>>>>> Gari
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> MGH-NMR Center
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