
I am currently analyzing some retinotopy data. 
For the polar angle stimulus we had both clockwise and counterclockwise stimuli.
Both of them started at the top of the screen (12 o'clock), each run includes 4 
full cycles and ends with the last wedge slightly before/after 12o'clock.

We have created seperate paradigm files (direction pos /  direction neg) for 
the clockwise and counterclockwise runs and followed the steps as indicated by 
the "FsFastIndividualRetinotopyAnalysis".
However, when we run the Freesurfer retinotopy analysis on the whole data set, 
the polar angle is very noisy.
When we run the same analysis separately for the clockwise and counterclockwise 
runs separately, the results look much better.
Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? 



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