Sorry Doug this is a very basic question,
Should I put the rtview file in the freesurfer/fstast/bin directory or
somewhere else?


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Douglas N Greve

> rtview will give you the colorwheel, see if that works for you
> doug
> Katie Bettencourt wrote:
>> Without the color wheel, how are you supposed to see the different
>> meridians so that you can draw the boundaries for visual areas?  I know
>> that field sign can do that in occipital if you have polar and eccen, but
>> it doesn't work well with parietal retinotopy or if you don't have eccen
>> data (which so far is not worthwhile to collect for parietal retinotopy).
>>  What do you recommend using?  We looked at the sig maps and the angle maps
>> per the instructions on the wiki page, but neither of them gave us the
>> boundaries, even within occipital, and we've done this data with 4.5 and
>> know that it comes out correctly there, so it's not an error in our data.
>> Katie
>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Douglas N Greve <
>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.**edu<>>>
>> wrote:
>>    Hi Katie, the color wheel became difficult to support (and I think
>>    it is inferior for viewing for various reasons). There is an
>>    alternative called rtview. It is not in the distribution, but you
>>    can get it from
>>    ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.**edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/**
>> greve/rtview<>
>>    Look at the --help to see how to run it.
>>    doug
>>    Katie Bettencourt wrote:
>>        I have a question about the retinotopy analysis in freesurfer
>>        5.  I was following these instructions :
>>        http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.**edu/fswiki/**
>> FsFastIndividualRetinotopyAnal**ysis<>
>>         with some minor edits because we don't have eccen data.  And
>>        now I'm ready to view the data, but I'm confused by what I am
>>        seeing.
>>        I have a lot of previous retinotopy experience with older
>>        versions of freesurfer, and have this data all analyzed using
>>        Freesurfer4.5 and it works fine.  However, with Freesurfer 5
>>        when I use this command (with the correct sessid and
>>        hemisphere added in):
>>        tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.?h -s sessid
>>        it gives me a heat map, instead of the standard colors that
>>        match to the upper, lower, and horizontal meridians (i.e. red,
>>        green, and blue).  I also tried using the "raw angle" code:
>>        tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.?h -s sessid -map angle
>>        but it doesn't give me the three colors either, but a sort of
>>        heat like map with 2 colors, but the colors don't map to the
>>        different visual areas, even in occipital cortex.  Field sign
>>        doesn't work because I don't have the eccen data (and because
>>        I'm care about parietal retinotopy, not occipital).  Is there
>>        a way to get the standard view of retinotopy out of freesurfer 5?
>>        For reference in freesurfer4.5, I would load retinotopy data
>>        by using this command:
>>        tksurfer subjname ?h inflated
>>        and then load the map-imag-lh.w in one overlay layer, and
>>        map-real-lh.w in the second overlay layer, then configuring
>>        the overlay to display the color wheel color scale and complex
>>        display options, and then configuring the phase encoding
>>        display to 2 angle cycles and an appropriate angle offset.
>>        Can you help me figure out how to get my data to display
>>        correctly?
>>        Thanks,
>>        Katie
>>    --     Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>    MGH-NMR Center
>> <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.**edu<>
>> >
>>    Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422
>>    Bugs: 
>> <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.****BugReporting<>
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>> <http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.**edu/facility/filedrop/index.**html<>
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> --
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs: 
> FileDrop: 
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