I have a question about the retinotopy analysis in freesurfer 5.  I was
following these instructions :
with some minor edits because we don't have eccen data.  And now I'm
to view the data, but I'm confused by what I am seeing.

I have a lot of previous retinotopy experience with older versions of
freesurfer, and have this data all analyzed using Freesurfer4.5 and it
works fine.  However, with Freesurfer 5 when I use this command (with the
correct sessid and hemisphere added in):

tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.?h -s sessid

it gives me a heat map, instead of the standard colors that match to the
upper, lower, and horizontal meridians (i.e. red, green, and blue).  I also
tried using the "raw angle" code:

tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.?h -s sessid -map angle

but it doesn't give me the three colors either, but a sort of heat like map
with 2 colors, but the colors don't map to the different visual areas, even
in occipital cortex.  Field sign doesn't work because I don't have the
eccen data (and because I'm care about parietal retinotopy, not occipital).
 Is there a way to get the standard view of retinotopy out of freesurfer 5?

For reference in freesurfer4.5, I would load retinotopy data by using this

tksurfer subjname ?h inflated

and then load the map-imag-lh.w in one overlay layer, and map-real-lh.w in
the second overlay layer, then configuring the overlay to display the color
wheel color scale and complex display options, and then configuring the
phase encoding display to 2 angle cycles and an appropriate angle offset.

Can you help me figure out how to get my data to display correctly?


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