There's not a separate GM, WM, and CSF. You can create these from the 
segmentations with mri_binarize. In general, it is run something like this:

mri_binarize --i aparc+aseg.mgz --match id1 id2 --o output.nii
where id1 and id2 are structure codes from 

For all WM use: 2, 41, 77, 7, 46, 251-255
For all ventricular CSF and choroid plexus use: 4, 5, 14, 45, 44, 72, 
31, 63, 15
For GM, use all the above plus 0, then add the --inv option to invert 
the mask (basically creating a mask of everything that is not  GM  and 
inverting it).


Fellhauer, Iven wrote:
> Hi Bruce
> And thank you for your hint, but where are the files for GM, WM and CFS 
> stored in the Freesurfer output directory structur?
> Best regards,
> Iven
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Bruce Fischl []
> Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2012 15:20
> An: Fellhauer, Iven
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Save segmentation results as nifi files
> Hi Ivan
> you can convert any volume to any supported output type using mri_convert. It 
> will figure out the format from the extension, so:
> mri_convert aseg.mgz aseg.nii.gz
> or
> mri_convert aseg.mgz aseg.nii
> should do the trick
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon,
> 30 Jan 2012, Fellhauer, Iven wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I run recon-all with the  ?autorecon1 and ?autorecon2 options. Now I
>> want to store the segmentation results in a spm like way. One nifti
>> file for each matter. Can I do this with freesurfer? And how can I do
>> this with freesurfer?
>> Best regards,
>> Iven Fellhauer
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin
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