I would like to go over a list of talairach coordinates (which
describe my electrode locations) and send these vertices as labels.
I'm using select_talairach_point function, but the problem is that it
only keeps the latest selection. So I end up with just one vertex.
I'm using this TCL script that I wrote:
set f [ open "/Users/aarslan/Desktop/talcoord.txt" ]
set a [read $f]
set b [split $a "\n"]

set i 0
foreach j $b {
        select_talairach_point [lindex $j 0] [lindex $j 1] [lindex $j 2]
        puts "[lindex $j 0] [lindex $j 1] [lindex $j 2]"
        incr i

Is there a way to store multiple vertices as a label or annotation? Or
at least keep the previously selected vertices during each iteration?
Ali B. Arslan
Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences
Brown University
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