
I have read the Freesurfer Tutorial, but there is still something I do not understand.

I want to run the mri_glmfit-sim command on our data. I have one sample (10 subjects), which were examined at 2 different timepoints.

I tried to use this command:

mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir Plast_injury_Thickness_LH_sensorimotor.glmdir --sim mc-z 1000 2 lh_mz-z.abs --sim-sign abs --overwrite

The following error message occured:

y has 10 inputs, X has 20 Rows.

Although the X-file has only 10 rows (here is the content of the X file an y file)

X.mat =


y.fsgd =

GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title  InjuryInducedChanges

MeasurementName external
Tessellation surface
PlotFile /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/average/stats/glm/Plast_injury_lh_thickness.15.mgh
DesignMatFile X.mat dods
DeMeanFlag -1
ResidualFWHM 18.070986
LogY 0
Class injury
Input PlastInjur01_tp1.long.PlastInjur01 injury
Input PlastInjur01_tp2.long.PlastInjur01 injury
Input PlastInjur02_tp1.long.PlastInjur02 injury
Input PlastInjur02_tp2.long.PlastInjur02 injury
Input PlastInjur03_tp1.long.PlastInjur03 injury
Input PlastInjur03_tp2.long.PlastInjur03 injury
Input PlastInjur04_tp1.long.PlastInjur04 injury
Input PlastInjur04_tp2.long.PlastInjur04 injury
Input PlastInjur05_tp1.long.PlastInjur05 injury
Input PlastInjur05_tp2.long.PlastInjur05 injury
Input PlastInjur06_tp1.long.PlastInjur06 injury
Input PlastInjur06_tp2.long.PlastInjur06 injury
Input PlastInjur07_tp1.long.PlastInjur07 injury
Input PlastInjur07_tp2.long.PlastInjur07 injury
Input PlastInjur08_tp1.long.PlastInjur08 injury
Input PlastInjur08_tp2.long.PlastInjur08 injury
Input PlastInjur09_tp1.long.PlastInjur09 injury
Input PlastInjur09_tp2.long.PlastInjur09 injury
Input PlastInjur010_tp1.long.PlastInjur010 injury
Input PlastInjur010_tp2.long.PlastInjur010 injury

Creator          mri_glmfit
SUBJECTS_DIR     /Applications/freesurfer/subjects
SynthSeed        1289388591

What is exactly wrong? Or how do I apply the mri_glmfit-sim for longitudinal data correctly.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards,


Nicolas Langer

MSc.UZH (lic. phil.)

Division Neuropsychology

Institute of Psychology

University of Zurich

Binzmuehlestrasse 14,

8050 Zurich, Switzerland

0041 44 635 73 92 (phone office)

0041 76 422 46 45 (phone mobile)

0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)

BIN 4.D.04 (office room number)

nicolas.langer[at]uzh.ch (email)

http://www.psychologie.uzh.ch/neuropsy/ (website)

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