yes, we do a partial volume correction of the volumes, accounting for the 
fraction of the structure in each border voxel.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2010, Hui J 
Yu wrote:

> Dear Freesurfer users,
> I am wondering how are the volumes calculated from stats such aseg.stat.  
> When I export the aseg and do a voxel count and multiple the volume per 
> voxel, my total volume is different from that is given by the stats.  For 
> example, the hippocampal volume given by aseg.stats for one of my controls is 
> 4000 cm3, but when I export the aseg.mgz into matlab and do a voxel count (my 
> original voxel volume is 1mm3 isotropic) for that labeled mask, the total 
> volume is aorund 3000 cm3.  Does freesurfer does some sort of intensity 
> normalization or partial volume correction?  Even if so, the magnitude of 
> difference is large that I am puzzled.
> Thank you very much.
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