if you can generate a reasonable gray/white segmentation you should be 
able to run the automated parcellation with good results (we've done this 
on other datasets). How old is the newborn?

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009, Fischi 
Gomez Elda wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm trying to manually edit the -segmentation step in the recon -all 
> -autorecon2 command. Actually, my problem is that I need a cortex 
> parcelisation of a newborn brain and, as far as I know, I cannot run directly 
> the -recon all as it s based on a adult brain template.
> My idea was, inf act, to reedit the -segmentation step, as I have a manually 
> segmented template of a newborn brain, and then, run this modified recon -all 
> to obtain the parcelisation.
> Is it possible? Does exist any way to obtain this cortex parcellisation for a 
> newborn brain using FreeSurfer?
> Thanks
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