yes, I just saw that. I thought it only happened when the machine ran out of memory. Are you running more than 1 recon at a time? On Mon, 3 Aug 2009, Nathan Dankner wrote:

I have 4 gigs of ram on here.  This is the response that I got from Nick

This is a known and long-standing problem with mris_volmask.  The fault
occurs deep within a library, VTK, of which we make use (null pointer in
vtkDataArrayTemplate<T>::GetTuple).  We're trying to find a fix or
workaround to this really annoying problem.

The cheap workaround is to run the -cortribbon -autorecon3 stages, and
likely mris_volmask will succeed.

On 8/3/09 3:32 PM, "Bruce Fischl" <> wrote:

looks like it's failing in mris_volmask. How much RAM do you have on your
On Mon, 3 Aug 2009, Nathan Dankner wrote:

Hello all,

I¹ve recently been having issues with several scans exiting with errors
after autorecon2, and they have exclusively been segmentation faults.  I¹m
running stable version 4.2 on a machine with plenty of memory.  Any ideas
what the problem might be?  I¹ve included the recon-all.log files for two
subjects who have had the problem.  Thanks,


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